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DP Trials

DP FMEA Trials

FMEA trials have to be performed every 5 years to ensure that the DP system still complies to all DP related Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. These tests prove that if the DP system fails in operation, it does so safely for both operators and equipment.


The 5 yearly FMEA Proving trials is a series of tests that proves that the original FMEA vessel testing results are still active and relevant to regulation bodies.


DP Trials

DP Annual trials are performed on an annual basis. These trials focus on the DP system and its operation in the field. All vessel maneuvers to be carried out and tested under failure conditions to ensure the vessel operates in a safe manner and still comply to the FMEA failure outcomes and previous DP Annual trial results.


Pre and Post docking Trials

Pre and Post docking trials are a more compact version of the DP Annual trials. These trials test the functionality of the DP system prior to docking the vessel ensuring the DP system is functioning correctly and that repairs can be made to the system if needed during the docking period.


DMSS will compile these documents and perform all tests and procedures on the vessel ensuring it is fit to operate in the Oil fields. All tests performed will be according to IMO and IMCA regulations as well as the governing body of the vessel (ABS, BV, Lloyds, DNV-GL etc. )

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